Latest News–2025


In 2025, our son, filmmaker and photographer Nick Thompson, will be taking over much of the work for White Noise Productions as we pursue other projects (below).

Please contact us if you are interested in video production.

Ann Hedreen is currently at work on a novel and teaching memoir through Seattle Central College and Hugo House.

Rustin Thompson is editing his film about small-town cinemas of the West, The Last Picture Shows, and will soon premiere his collaboration with Rachel Price and Foghorn Features, Died Without Issue.   His debut novel, Hard Times in Babylon, is available in bookstores and online. And his non-fiction book, Get Close: Lean Team Documentary Filmmaking, is available through his  publisher Oxford University Press, on Amazon, and can be ordered through your favorite local independent bookstore.

–Go to our Vimeo page to see more of our work. All of our independently produced feature documentaries are also available for rent or purchase on Vimeo-on-Demand.

—You can listen to Rustin’s radio programs Road Songs and Night Train on KBCS.FM.